Despite a dreary weather forecast, we headed out in the rain to a nearby city park, Lincoln Park. On the west side of town, this tends to be a park we drive by on the way to somewhere else. But, with heavy rain coming down, the tall dark trees and dense canopy cover made a welcome shelter for us this afternoon.
Today was a bit of a test run actually. We are tentatively floating the idea of a grand tour of the parks in Washington state this year. By our count, there are 3 National Parks, 142 State Parks, 21 County Parks (in Clallam County, where we live), and 28 City Parks (in our town of Port Angeles). All which add up to 194 parks! That's a lot of public spaces available to enjoy the outdoors! By doing this grand tour, we would really get to know our state. It's also a totally crazy outrageous idea, and we're pretty big fans of totally crazy outrageous ideas in this family.
We're still hammering out the details of this adventure. What exactly constitutes a "visit"? How on earth will we afford the gas for this?? (We've applied for a Next Challenge Expedition Grant, crossing our fingers!) Where will we find a boat to get to the island State Parks? How will we record the adventure? Are we nuts?
As we figure out the particulars, we'll post updates here.
What big plans in nature are in store for your family this year? Big or small, we would love to hear about them!